How to find the best packaged milk in stores

It’s a known fact that cow milk is a storehouse of high-quality protein, calcium and other nutrients. As the demand for milk is pretty steep, the market is flooded with different varieties of milk. And it’s indeed a hefty challenge for people to get their hands on cow milk with exemplary standards. Just keep these vital points in mind to put quality cow milk on your dining table.

  • If possible, buy milk straight from the dairy farmers.
  • The next possible option is to buy milk from the milk cooperative societies, which sell milk sourced directly from the dairy farmers.
  • If you are buying milk from people who bring cow milk to your door steps, make sure to test the quality of milk at regular intervals through the Department of Dairy Development.
  • You have to bank on packaged milk if it’s not possible to source milk from dairy farmers and dairy cooperative societies.
  • Ensure to buy packaged cow milk of companies that have proved their mettle.
  • Packaged milk is not fresh milk and goes through pasteurization and refrigeration processes to preserve it for a longer period of time.
  • Check the sell-by date information on the milk cover.
  • Make sure that the milk cover carries all statutory information about packaged milk.
  • Ensure that the milk is stored under 8 degree Celsius. Avoid buying milk from shops that don’t keep packaged milk in refrigerator.
  • Also avoid shops that store milk in unhygienic conditions.
  • Don’t use milk that has a different colour, taste or aroma. Throw away milk that has any impurities.
  • If milk can’t be converted to curd through fermentation, it means that milk had been laced with chemicals to prolong its shelf life.
  • Milk can turn sour or would have a strange smell if it’s stored along with fruits, fish, meat and flowers in the fridge.
  • The chances of milk turning sour are very high if it’s stored along with curd and buttermilk.
  • If the refrigerator and its freezer are cleaned with liquids having a strong odour, the packaged milk will also have the same smell.
  • Make sure to buy milk packed in white or cream-coloured packets instead of transparent ones.
  • Buy milk from shops that refrigerate milk packets immediately after they are delivered to the outlets.
  • Ensure to buy milk just for the immediate needs. Refrain from storing large quantities of milk.
  • If you have to use large quantities of milk, boil a small portion and check whether it turns sour or not.  
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