Is it good to have fruits for dinner?

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Fruits are inevitable in the food chart of all those who are conscious of their health, nutrition and well-being. Many try to lose weight and get fit by going on an all-fruit diet for dinner. Is it actually good to have just fruits for dinner? Can we eat fruits along with our snacks?
A ‘fruit’ful talk with Dietician Liji Jose about how and when to eat fruits...
Is it fine to eat fruits with dinner?
If you are having fruits for dinner, eat just that. Having other types of food, along with fruits could cause indigestion. The digestion process for fruits is entirely different from that for other food groups. So, if you are having a light dinner with other types of food, eat fruits only after 30 minutes from then. It is not advisable to eat more fruits with some light food. Likewise, while having fruits at night, one must not eat fruits which are too sweet or too sour.
Don’t hit the sack right after having fruits
It is always good to have fruits which are generally very rich in fibre. The key is to eat only fruits when you are eating them. If you want to eat a fruit along with or after a meal, ensure that you eat the fruit only half an hour later. It is advised not to eat two types of food together because our body takes different time periods to digest different types of food. If you eat fruits right after a meal, it is the fruits that get digested first.

Similarly, eating fruits right before bedtime may cause sleeplessness. When fructose, the sugar in the fruits, gets absorbed by the body, the body will have a rush of energy. In that state, one may feel sleepless if going to bed right after having fruits. It is better not to hit the bed right after indulging in some fruits. Fruits have more sugar than the other food groups. If you want to go on a fruits-only diet for dinner, well and good. Just make sure that you go to bed half an hour later.
Have fruits which are less sweet and less tangy
It is ideal to have more fruits in the evenings, especially for those suffering from obesity, sleep deprivation, constipation, hypertension and such conditions. Choose the fruits which are less sweet and less sour. Seasonally available fruits can be eaten including banana varieties which are not very sour, ripe mangoes which are less sweet, apples, papaya, guava, sapota, watermelon, dragon fruit etc. The key is to avoid fruits which are extremely sweet or tangy. Those who have had stroke in the past can also eat fruits that are high in fibre, and low in sweet and sourness, between meal times.

Any fruit like apple, guava etc is better to be eaten with its skin rather than to peel it off before consumption. It is very good to have a fruit-only diet for dinner. Nevertheless, those with constipation and overweight must be careful while doing so. Others can have a light dinner including two chappathis and then, after an hour, have a small bowl of fruits. Make sure it is at least 30 minutes after having fruits that you go to bed.