Bollywood actress Alia Bhatt has been busy with her new films and public appearances. During her free times, she also share videos on her newly launched YouTube page. The page which was started early this year already has 1.14 million subscribers. Her latest video gives a peek into her favourite food and how she learns to cook them.

The series titled 'In my Kitchen,' has Alia attempting to cook for the first time with the help of her head chef Dilip and her housekeeper Carol.


In the video, Alia Bhatt shows the fridge magnets which has all her favourite food items listed on it. She learns to make few of her favourite foods like beetroot salad and chia pudding.

According to chef Dilip, Alia likes to have North Indian food and her favourite dessert is moong dal halwa. Her housekeeper also complains that Alia doesn't eat on time.

“This is the first time I am cooking,” says Alia. She also says that beetroot salad is her favourite and used to have it during her film shoots. Beetroot is also good for the skin. Alia also doesn't have curd without tempering.

Alia also prepares chia pudding which she normally has it for breakfast or for snack.

Looks like more such food videos can be expected from her YouTube page.