Serving food on colourful plates make it tastier? Research says yes

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It has already been realized by the gastronomic world that just like the taste, aroma, and nutritional value, the colour too plays a major role in making food attractive and appetizing. Besides, colour has biological significance as well.
Researches reveal that as the colour of a vegetable or fruit gets darker, its nutritional value, too, becomes enhanced. However, now it has been disclosed that the colour of the platter on which the food is served can also excite the taste buds. It is deemed that the colour of the plates, cups, mugs, and other cutlery can improve the taste of the food item served in it.
The renowned University of Oxford has revealed more about the psychoanalytical studies related to taste, flavours, and colours. It is said that the aroma and the taste of the food served on silver platter or with silver cutlery would be enhanced when it is eaten. Furthermore, the food scooped with a faded plastic spoon would be undesirable to look at and would taste bland in your mouth.
The colours of the plates, bowls, and cutlery began to influence our palettes and choices, since kitchen and the dining area became the most attractive spaces in a house. Each colour would have a different kind of influence on the food. Beautifully garnished food served aesthetically on a colourful plate would make it incredible appetizing.
Experts say that yellow plates are suitable to serves mouthwatering snacks, while a pleasant mint green would make the dessert even yummier. A royal blue mug would be perfect to enjoy some hot and refreshing coffee. Yellow represents happiness while green symbolizes good luck. It is said that the food served on white plates would be 15% more enjoyable that the dishes served on black plates.
Red to reduce weight
As per the research conducted by eminent scientists from Germany and Switzerland, in 2012, it was proven that our appetite would be controlled if we eat from red coloured plates or cups. In an experiment conducted at the research facilities, food were served on red and blue plates to a group of people.
It was found out that those who chose red plates and cups ate lesser amount of food than the ones who ate in blue plates. Experts say that the food intake could be reduced up to 40% if food is eaten from red plates. This would significantly help to keep a check on the body weight as well.
In another study conducted by the Cornell University in the United States, it was revealed that the colour of food and the colour of the plate on which it is served influence each other, thereby prompting the person to eat less. Similarly hot water should be drunk from red cups and cold water from the blue ones. Attractive blue glasses could be used to serve cold beverages as well.