Gopi Sundar, who was once the most sought after music composer in Mollywood, has not been taking up any Malayalam projects lately. Now, the singer-cum-composer has opened up about why he is not sticking to Mollywood anymore. “I am busy and happy in Tollywood, sandalwood. I am still doing 12 projects at a time, but not in Malayalam. Tell me brother, wouldn't you switch jobs if a company is willing to hire you for a better salary,” said Gopi Sundar while responding to a fan who asked him why he is not working in Mollywood anymore.

Gopi Sundar who is known for his music compositions in 'Ustad Hotel', 'Chennai Express' and several coming of age movies, including 'ABCD: American Born Confused Desi', 'Left Right Left', '5 Sundarikal, 'Vishuddhan', and 'Salalah Mobiles'.

During his peak, Gopi was accused of plagiarism, a charge he has denied till date. Recently, Gopi hit headlines after he and singer Amrutha Suresh made their relationship public.

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