Sunny movie review: An arresting tale of a man lost and forlorn amid pandemic

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The mood of the tale is unveiled at the outset. We sail in the pathos of unknown reason for quite some time. Then we guess there is something wrong and wait for a while to make out what it is and what has brought the protagonist into the circumstance that is roiling him. Thereafter, it's a fantastic voyage along with Sunny, swirling and tossing over waves of emotions. Written and directed by Ranjith Sankar, the movie Sunny, released on the OTT platform Amazon Prime, is a specimen of brilliant storytelling.
The eponymous character of Sunny, played by Jayasurya, is back from Dubai and goes into quarantine at a plush hotel suite in Kochi. By his early gestures and hints we understand that he is not in the right frame of mind. Soon, we figure out Sunny is in distress and and the plot is all about how it is unravelled and addressed eventually.
For a long while an eerie suspense camouflages the naturalistic sequences of the movie set in the premise of Covid-induced quarantine and lockdown. The story soon reveals the plight of a lost human soul stuck between life and his turmoil. How he frees himself and finds the grip or if at all he is able to do so, forms the drama.

The delicate balance between human struggle to settle things right amid the seclusion and uncertainty of the pandemic has been subtlety depicted while telling the larger than life story of Sunny. Portrayal of desperate human urge to be in the social world amid isolation and social seclusion is now as old the pandemic itself, yet, the movie gives it a fresh treat.
A perfect combination of Jayasurya's immaculate performance and the gripping script makes Sunny a ravishing aesthetic treat. The dialogues are equally substantive. We get immersed in the narrative to the extent that we forget to note who all appear on the screen and who do not.
The coherent script is enriched by absorbing nuances and life's minute details as insignificant as a chuckle or a glance. The dialogues by Mamta Mohandas as Doctor Anuradha, Shivada as Nimmy, Vijay Babu as Advocate Paul, Vijayaraghavan as SI Sadashivan Nair,
Innocent as Doctor Eerali and Aju Varghese as Kozhi Rajesh along with pitching the storyline delivers a measured impact of isolation, required by the theme of the plot.

Complimented by enchanting music of Sanker Sharma, the marvellous camera work by Madhu Neelakandan and superbly done sound, Sunny will sure serve you an intoxicating entertainer.