Ram Charan-Shankar movie 'Game Changer', which hit theatres on Friday, has collected over Rs 50 crore on the first day, making a significant impact at the box office. As per Sacnilk.com, the film's Telugu version collected Rs 42 crore, while the Hindi dubbed version collected over Rs 7 crore. The film is Ram Charan's first solo release after S S Rajamouli's blockbuster 'RRR', which catapulted him to pan-Indian fame. The political drama revolves around a doctor-turned-district collector in his fight against corruption.

Meanwhile, Ram Charan expressed his heartfelt thanks to his uncle, Pawan Kalyan, for always being a source of support and guidance in his life. The actor took to his Instagram to share a heartfelt note, acknowledging Kalyan's unwavering presence and encouragement, which have played a significant role in shaping his journey.


Charan shared a picture of himself with Pawan and wrote in the caption, “Dear Deputy Chief Minister Pawan Kalyan Garu, as your nephew, as an actor, and as a proud Indian, I immensely respect you. Thank you for always being there for me and supporting me.”

In the image, Kalyan is seen posing with his arms around the actor. 'Game Changer' also features a stellar cast, including Kiara Advani, Anjali, Srikanth, SJ Suryah, Jayaram, Samuthirakani, Sunil, Brahmanandam, and Rajeev Kanakala. The film is produced by Dil Raju under Sri Venkateswara Creations.

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