Nayanthara: Beyond The Fairy Tale is an exciting new documentary that focuses on the life of the beloved actress Nayanthara and her husband, Vignesh Shivan. Fans have been eagerly awaiting this film, which is set to debut on Netflix on November 18.

Netflix recently shared the release date on social media, posting a beautiful poster with the message, "Thirai-layum natchathiram, vaazhkailayum natchathiram. Watch Nayanthara: Beyond The Fairy Tale on 18 November, only on Netflix!" This documentary promises to take us behind the scenes of their romantic journey, offering a glimpse into their wedding and their life as a couple.


Viewers can expect an intimate portrayal filled with personal stories and heartfelt moments from their special day. It's a unique opportunity to see the real lives of one of Tamil cinema’s most admired couples, making it a must-watch for fans.

Nayanthara and Vignesh Shivan's story began in 2015 when they met on the set of Naanum Rowdy Dhaan. Their chemistry blossomed into a relationship, and in 2021, they got engaged in a private ceremony surrounded by loved ones. Their journey is truly inspiring, and this documentary aims to share that beautiful story with the world.