Film fraternity seeks legal action against filmmaker Ranjith

Actor Sreelekha Mitra accused filmmaker Ranjith of misbehaviour. Photos: Instagram, Facebook

Filmmaker Aashiq Abu and producer Sandra Thomas has sought legal action against director Ranjith following allegations of misbehavior leveled against him by Bengali actor Sreelekha Mitra. Aashiq Abu in his statement to Manorama News also criticised Cultural Affairs Minister Saji Cheriyan's stance in the issue. Saji Cheriyan on Saturday morning had claimed that it was not right to penalise an acclaimed director like Ranjith based on allegations alone.
“Legal action should be taken against filmmaker Ranjith in this incident. I am unable to comprehend Minister Saji Cheriyan's stance regarding the Hema Commission report and also the allegations of misbehavior that were levelled against Ranjith. His stance is completely against the policies and ideologies of the Left. He is trying to protect the hunter by standing with Ranjith in the incident. I would like to register my protest here,” he said.

Producer Sandra Thomas, meanwhile, sought Saji Cheriyan's resignation with immediate effect. “It is unfortunate to see a minister protect a man who has been accused of misbehavior. Saji Cheriyan's anti-woman stance is unacceptable. He should resign. Also, the government should remove Ranjith from the Chalachitra Academy post if he fails to step down,” he said.

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