After four years in the US, Yesudas set for a grand comeback in India

Yesudas. Photo: File image/Manorama

After a four-year hiatus, the enchanting voice of Gandharvanadam is set to return to music stages. K.J. Yesudas, who has been residing in the U.S. due to the Covid-19 pandemic, will soon be making his much-anticipated return to India. His first performance back on home soil will take place at the Surya Festival, an event he was instrumental in establishing.

Yesudas plans to revisit his usual musical venues, including the renowned Margazhi Fest in Chennai. According to Surya Krishnamoorthy, the festival’s organiser, Yesudas’s concert is scheduled for October 1st, marking the opening day of the Surya Festival. This will be his first appearance at the festival since 2019.

For 47 years, Yesudas has been the inaugural performer at the Surya Festival, with the exception of the past four years. Even at the age of 84, he continues his music practice without interruption at his home in the U.S. During this period, he has also occasionally performed at venues in the United States.

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