Hindu fringe group targets Sonakshi Sinha’s marriage, vows to block entry to Bihar

Sonakshi Sinha, Zaheer Iqbal. Photo: Instagram

Bollywood actress Sonakshi Sinha married Zaheer Iqbal on June 23 under the Special Marriage Act. However, a Hindu fringe group has put up posters across Patna calling the marriage 'love jihad.' They also declared that they will not allow the actress to enter Bihar, sending a message to her father, veteran actor and politician Shatrughan Sinha.

The group, Hindu Shivbhavani Sena, threatened the Sinha family through these posters and accused Sonakshi and Zaheer of attempting to 'Islamify' the country. Zaheer's father, Iqbal Ratansi, had previously announced that Sonakshi would not be converting to Islam and that the couple would have a civil marriage.

Sonakshi and Zaheer have yet to respond to the posters. According to reports from Times Now, Shatrughan Sinha defended his daughter, stating that she had not done anything illegal or unconstitutional. He added, "No one has the right to interfere. To all the protestors I say, 'Go get a life. Do something useful with your life.'"

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