Thalapathy Vijay, currently engrossed in the shooting of his upcoming film 'Greatest Of All Time' (GOAT) in Kerala, took a break on Friday to greet his fans and express his gratitude for their support. The film is being shot at the Sports Hub stadium in Thiruvananthapuram and is directed by Venkat Prabhu.

Since arriving in Kerala a few days ago, Vijay has been met with an overwhelming response from his fans, with a massive crowd gathering to catch a glimpse of their favourite star. In acknowledgement of this immense support, Vijay paused to thank his fans for their unconditional love and even took a selfie with them.


Sharing the joyous moment with his fans, Vijay posted a video on social media featuring the large crowd and captioned it, 'Heartfelt thanks to all Malayalis'. The post was met with an outpouring of admiration from Malayalis, showing their love and support for the beloved Tamil actor.