Actor Shakeela, who has been appearing in several reality shows recently, is one of the contestants of the seventh season of Bigg Boss Telugu. The show, which is hosted by Nagarjuna Akkineni, premiered on Sunday and features participants from several walks of lives. Cine and serial artists, doctors and social media influencers are also participating in the show.

Shakeela is a well-known face in the South Indian industry. She rose to fame in the 1990s and became a huge sensation among the youth after appearing in B-grade movies of the time.

Nagarjuna extended a warm welcome to her at the show and also invited her adopted daughters on the sets to surprise her. According to the actor, she hopes to create a new image among the audience with her appearance at the show.

TV actor Priyanka Jain, Telugu film actor and dubbing artist Sivaji, Singer Damini Bhatla, model and fitness freak Prince Yawar, actress and lawyer Subhashree Rayaguru, choreogrpaher Aata Sandeep, actor Sobha Shetty, food vlogger Tasty Teja, social media influencer Rathika, actor Guatham Krishna, actor Kiran Rathod, Youtuber Pallavi Prashant and serial artist Amardeep are the other contestants at this season of Bigg Boss Telugu. The show is streaming on Disney+Hotstar.