Disney+Hotstar has announced its second OTT webseries in Malayalam post the success of 'Kerala Crime Files', which premiered in the platform in June. The new series is helmed by Sreejith N, who previously directed the Biju Menon-starrer 'Oru Thekkan Thallu Case'.

'Masterpeace', which is touted to be a fun family drama, features Sharafudheen, Nithya Menen, Renji Panicker, Maala Parvathi, Shanthi Krishna and Ashokan in the lead. The series, bankrolled by Mathew George, is expected to premiere on Disney+Hotstar in September. "Can't keep calm cause a Master 'Peace' is brewing. You're gonna looovvvee it," wrote Nithya Menen.


The series will stream in seven languages- Malayalam, Tamil, Hindi, Telugu, Kannada, Bengali and Marathi.

'The Kerala Crime Files', helmed by Ahammed Khabeer, who had directed hit films like 'June' and 'Madhuram' revolved around a murder investigation. The series received appreciation from various corners for both the performances of the cast and the treatment.

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