Nivin Pauly’s much-awaited Tamil film, directed by Ram has been titled ‘Ezhu Kadal Ezhu Malai’. The official title was announced on Nivin Pauly’s birthday. For director Ram who is familiar to Kerala audiences after the much-feted ‘Peranbu’ headlining Mammootty, this is his fifth film after Kattradhu Thamizh (2007), Thanga Meengal (2013), Taramani (2017) and Peranbu (2019). But the title card gives nothing away and shows characters spinning around as figurines. The dialogue by Nivin Pauly’s character—" When you are in love, everything will fly. Not just your heart. Your body, your soul” suggests it might be an intense love story.

 Also, the film is produced by Suresh Kamatchi under the banner of V House Productions. Their previous film, ‘Maanadu’ starring Silambarasan was a super hit. Anjali, again a Ram regular, plays the female lead. Suri is also playing a crucial role. Currently, the film’s post-production work is going on. 


Music director Yuvan Shankar Raja once again teams up with Ram after 'Peranbu'. The cinematography is by NK Ekambaran (think 'Vettam', 'Oppam'). Other technical credits are as follows: Umesh J Kumar (Production Designer), Mathi VS (Editing), Stunt Silva (Action), Sandy (Choreography), Costume Designer (Sandy who also works in Bollywood) and Make up is by Pattanam Rasheed.

This is Nivin Pauly’s second Tamil film after 'Richie' which was a commercial flop. Meanwhile, the actor’s Malayalam film 'Saturday Night 'directed by Roshan Andrews is releasing on November 4. His previous release ‘Mahaveeryar’ directed by Abrid Shine despite being critically acclaimed was a box office failure.