Last year Bollywood was rocked by the infamous cruise – drug case in which star kid Aryan Khan was apprehended by the Narcotics Control Bureau. Meanwhile, superstar Shah Rukh Khan is planning to get Aryan busy in the movies before the latter lands in more trouble. Shah Rukh’s fans have been eagerly awaiting the grand entry of Aryan into Bollywood. However, the star kid has revealed that he isn’t interested in acting. Aryan has always expressed his love for direction.

Aryan had completed a course in direction and screenplay writing from University of Southern California in the US. He had even wished to learn more about filmmaking by assisting some leading Hollywood filmmakers. However, now, he cannot fly abroad as he had submitted his passport to the Narcotics Control Bureau to fulfil his bail requirements. So, Aryan is all set to say ‘action’ and ‘cut’ in Bollywood, where his father is a superstar. There were reports that Aryan had helped in choreographing the action sequences in Shah Rukh’s latest movie ‘Pathan’. Aryan is likely to associate with Shah Rukh’s close friends producers Aditya Chopra and Karan Johar in his first outing as an assistant director.

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