The Malayalam film '18 hours' directed by Rajesh Nair is all set for release. The movie will have it's world premiere on ManoramaMax and Mazhavil Manorama.

While the release date is yet to be announced, the makers released a trailer which seems to be an edge-of-the seat thriller. The almost 2-minute long video showcases the premise where a school bus with girls is attacked by an armed gang of masked goons. While the cops are underway with the case, the film seems to focus on the young girls journey of survival.


Produced by Rajesh Nair and Salil Sankaran, Vinod Jaykumar and Vinod Vijaykumar penned the screenplay and dialogues.

The movie stars Shyamaprasad, Vijay Babu, Indu with 10 newcomers. The movie was shot in Thiruvananthapuram in 42 days following the COVID protocols.


Prakash Alex is in charge of background score while Ratheesh Vega is behind the music, who will also be seen playing a pivotal role in the film.

Deepu George is the editor and Raajkumar is the cinematographer.

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