Artist honors star mother on Mohanlal’s birthday

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Mohanlal – the name that always evokes warmth and gentleness is probably the only reason for envy, for millions of Malayali mothers to Santakumari. Every Keralite mother who watches Malayalm movies wishes for a son like Mohanlal, who woos with his charming smile or opens up his heart while resting his head on his mother’s lap or the beloved son who holds his mother closer to his life. Malayali moviegoers’ hearts and eyes filled with genuine emotions of love when legendary actresses like Kaviyoor Ponnamma, Sukumari and KPAC Lalitha shined as Mohanlal’s on screen mothers. Those who know the screen icon personally say that Mohanlal, in real life too, is the perfect son who loves his mother greatly.
The audience knows and respects Shantakumari even though Mohanlal hardly speaks more than a few words about her in most of his interviews. As the thespian is celebrating his 60th birthday, one cannot help but remember his mother as well. Noted painter and film maker Sethu Iyyal has dedicated a beautiful painting of Shantakumari that amazingly reflects her undying love and affection for her son. Sethu and his incredible sketches are quite well known in the cinema industry.
Sethu had made the sketch based on a lovely picture that Mohanlal shared on his Facebook page on the Mother’s Day. The sketch in which Shantakumari is sitting with her hands open as if she is giving something will surely fill your hearts with joy. Sethu Iyyal says he had drawn very few sketches for Mohanlal and had spent only few moments with the screen icon. However, the most memorable moment in his life was when Shantakumari herself called the artist to congratulate him.

Sethu had worked as film maker Lohithadas’ assistant and had known Mohanlal for years. Mohanlal’s team had once asked Sethu to draw a portrait of the actor in the getup of legendary musician Chembai Vaidyanatha Bhagavathar. Sethu says he was thrilled and completed the portrait without expecting anything. Mohanlal didn’t have the airs of a super star when he met the artist to convey his love and appreciation for his talent. Sethu then drew around eight portraits for Mohanlal. The actor was particularly impressed by the portrait of his father that Sethu had done. Sethu says it was that portrait which earned him the greatest words of appreciation from his idol and his mother.
“I had shown the portrait to Mohanlal through someone else. He was at Thiruvananthapuram then. He wanted to keep his father’s portrait at their home in Thiruvananthapuram. He even called me to convey his appreciation. Two days later, he called again and said that his mother would call me and that I should pick up the call. I didn’t know what to say when his mother called. Moreover, I was worried whether she had liked the portrait. It is a portrait of the most loved person in her life and it was gifted after he had passed away. She began the conversation calling me ‘makkale’ (dear son). She said, ‘I don’t know how to thank you. The portrait is incredibly beautiful. It seems as if Lalu’s father is speaking to me through his eyes. You will succeed in life and my blessings are always with you.’ Her words still ring in my ears. Those words made me as happy as I had won a national award. Though we spoke only for five minutes, that mother’s words had given me the happiness of a life time,” says Sethu.

Years later, Mohanlal had called the artist, seeing Sethu’s latest portrait of his mother. Sethu says he drew the portrait seeing the beautiful picture of Santhakumari that Mohanlal posted on social media on Mother’s Day. “No one asked me to draw the portrait. I decided to do it because of my love for her and also it was a beautiful picture. It took me three days to complete the oil painting. I took a picture of it and sent it to Mohanlal’s WhattsApp. I didn’t expect him to see it. But, not only did he see the painting but he called me as well. He told, ‘We haven’t seen each other for so long, have we? I am at Chennai now and we shall meet when I come to Thiruvananthapuram.’ I have drawn many pictures for him; portraits of his friends and gifts for them as well. It gives me immense satisfaction that I could draw the portraits of two of the most important people in his life,” notes Sethu.

It was his impeccable passion for art and painting that led Sethu to the world of movies. Though he ran away from his home to pursue painting, he ended being a disciple of legendary composer Dakshina Moorthy. Meanwhile, he worked as an assistant director in movies as well. Sethu directed the movie Syamaragam in which Dakshina Moorthy composed the music for the last time. Interestingly, it was Sethu himself who drew the posters of his movie.