Malayalam actor Parvathy Thiruvothu has said that Islamophobia is a reality in Kerala and admitted that it was part of her own films too.

"I have to admit that there's a major discourse happening around the films that I have done, Take Off, Ennu Ninte Moideen. And I agree that there's massive conversation on the Islamophbia generated by my own films," the actor, a founder-member of the Women in Cinema Collective, said.

She said she has decided not to repeat such mistakes in my films in the future.

She was speaking at a panel discussion as part of the 'Watchout -- Akhila Bharatiya Anti Nazi Film Festival in Kozhikode recently.


A few days before, in an interview to The Hindu, Parvathy said that Islamophobia exists in Kerala in excess.

"Last year I realised the masks are off in Kerala too. They are not acknowledging enough their biases and their phobias as evidently as it is outside the state. It is masked with a lot of niceties and politeness in political dialogues. Many don’t even acknowledge that Islamophobia exists to the extent it does in Kerala. Here, it exists and in excess. It is a thick, viscous stream that is flowing underground. For me, it always starts with self-reflection. I wonder what action or statement of mine was slightly phobic of a particular community. I try to catch that," she said.

Parvathy is currently working on director Venu's Rachiyamma and Siddharth Siva's Varthamanam.

She is planning to direct a film in 2020-2021.

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