A team of 11,600 dancers led by actor and dancer Divya Unni, who has mesmerised audiences across the globe with her stage performances, broke the Guinness World Record in Kochi on Sunday. The dancers who formed a clock-wise circle with Divya Unni at the centre of the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium in Kaloor broke the existing record held by 10,176 dancers. Minister for Cultural Affairs Saji Cheriyan inaugurated the event.

The dancers, all dressed in silk blue saris, performed for eight minutes to the song rendered by Anoop Sankar. Dancers under 550 dance teachers from across the globe, including the USA and states from India performed at the event. Children as young as seven years old participated in the dance performance, which was also attended by serial actors and dancers Devi Chandana, Uthara Unni, Vidya Unni, Rithu Manthra and Paris Laxmi. The event, according to the organisers, was planned six months ahead.


Divya Unni, who is best known for her work in movies like 'Kalyana Sowgandhikam' and 'Aakasha Ganga', has quit films and is currently residing in the US. She continues to actively participate in stage shows across the globe as a dancer.

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