Sydney: Australia has introduced a work and holiday visa ballot process for Indians, as well as for citizens of China and Vietnam. The Australian government implemented this system to attract people from these countries. The work and holiday visa allows tourists to spend their vacation in Australia while earning income by working during their stay. However, only select countries can participate in the programme. Under the revised visa policy for 2024-25, travellers from China, Vietnam, and India can submit advance applications for the Work and Holiday (Subclass 462) visa category.

The initial applications will be selected through a ballot. The registration fee for this ballot is 25 Australian dollars. Those chosen through the ballot can then apply for their work and holiday visa online. Citizens of China, Vietnam, and India who already hold work and holiday visas are also eligible for this ballot system. They can apply for a second or third work and holiday visa online through a registered account here. The first work and holiday visa will be available to individuals aged 18 to 30. With this visa, holders can vacation, work, and study in Australia for up to four months. Additionally, they can travel to and from Australia as often as they wish. Current visa holders can also apply for a second work and holiday visa.

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