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If you love Middle-Eastern cuisine, you will definitely be enamoured by the Levantine tastes that consist of mezze platters, puddings, Arabic breads and more.
The Dampa restaurants in Qatar and Kuwait are helmed by Thrissur native chef Vijayan Ilantholil, who has more than a decade of experience in hospitality industry.
On inspection, it was found that the restaurant did not have a panchayat licence, the staff did not possess a health card and its premises were unsanitary.
African, Asian, European cuisines and vegetarian and non vegetarian dishes will be available at the food courts in the fan zones and at the world cup venues too.
While Qatar excels in luxury offerings, the country also allows for budget dining without scrimping on quality.
Around 36 chefs from 15 countries, which are part of the Spice Route initiative, participated in the International Chef Competition on Sunday.
The Parsis love to cook and the kitchen is their favourite haunt. The longer in the kitchen, the happier they are.
When Iran took its products like anar, saffron and spinach to the world outside, it took in rice and vegetables like lemon and eggplant into its fold.
Tini is a self-confessed foodie who owes his health and 'weight' to his wife Roopa, who is an excellent cook.
This tasty bite is prepared by cutting chicken breast into small pieces and marinating them. Its exotic oriental taste lies in its marination
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