Thrissur: The forest department team ended the mission to locate the elephant with a head injury in Athirappilly for the day. Though the team, led by Dr Arun Zachariah, searched the forest from morning till evening, they failed to find the jumbo.

The elephant had retreated deep into the forest. The search was conducted by dividing the 50-member team into six groups. Drones were also used to aid the operation. Yet, the pachyderm could not be located.


The combing operation covered areas such as the First Block, Third Block, Thadimudi, Vadamuri, Factory Division, 17th Block, Cashew Plantation, Chalakudy Riverbanks, Elichani, Parayanpara, and Kuliranthodu.

The search operation will resume tomorrow. If the elephant is found under favourable conditions, it will be tranquillized. As the animal is not healthy, a suitable dose will be administered to immobilise it for treatment.

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