Kochi: The Palarivattom police on Monday registered a case against the organisers and contractors who built the stage for the Mridanga Vision event held at the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium in Kaloor. The action comes a day after Thrikkakara MLA Uma Thomas sustained severe injuries after falling from the stage during the event.

The accused face charges under Sections 125 (actions endangering personal safety), 125(b) (causing grievous hurt), and 3(5) (joint criminal liability) of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS), along with Section 118(e) (endangering public safety) of the Kerala Police Act, 2011. The complaint was filed by Shalu Vincent, a member of the MLA’s personal staff.


As per the FIR, the temporary-constructed stage for VIP attendees lacked adequate walking space and safety measures, such as front grills. "This caused her to fall from the stage at 6.20 pm to almost 14 feet down, leading to severe injuries, including fractures to her facial bones, head, and ribs," the FIR added. Sub-Inspector Mithun Mohan is heading the investigation into the incident.

According to Renai Medicity, where Thomas is undergoing treatment, she was put on a ventilator upon arrival due to injuries to her brain, spine, and lungs. The hospital stated that the impact of the fall caused fractures to her face and ribs, leading to internal bleeding in the lungs.


Thomas attended the event to witness a mega Bharatanatyam performance led by actor Divya Unni, featuring 12,000 dancers. Minister Saji Cherian, the Kochi City Police Commissioner, and other public representatives were also present in the VIP gallery, which had a seating capacity of 40. 

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