Kochi: The second fire at Brahmapuram waste dump yard on Sunday was doused after a four-hour effort, claims Cochin Corporation Mayor M Anilkumar.

By 4 pm, a fire was spotted in sector 7 of the 110-acre dump yard that had caught national attention just two weeks ago following a massive fire.

"The fire has been put out. By 8 pm the smoke was also snuffed out," said Mayor Anilkumar in a press release.

Fire & Rescue personnel working to put out the fire at Brahmapuram waste dump yard on Sunday. Photo: Manorama
Fire & Rescue personnel working to put out the fire at Brahmapuram waste dump yard on Sunday. Photo: Manorama

It is understood that efforts are now on to trim down the legacy waste heaps in sector 7 that were the highest on the plot.

According to reports, at least five units of the Fire & Rescue Department were activated to douse the flames that had emerged in the densest part of the yard.

The cause of the fire is yet to be known. The latest incident comes within two weeks after a massive 12-day fire had been brought under control after an unprecedented effort involving hundreds of Fire personnel and volunteers, besides the Navy and Air Force.

The plant had caught fire on March 2 and the flames soon spread throughout the yard, spewing toxic fumes that were experienced by people living even in the nearby district of Alappuzha.

Ernakulam District Collector NSK Umesh had said fire units were deployed without delay as fire watchers were posted at the yard following the March 2nd incident.

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