Pathanamthitta: The police unearthed a host of evidence, including weapons during an almost eight-hour evidence collection at a house in Elanthoor here where two human sacrifices were allegedly done.


The three accused -- Mohammed Shafi and owners of the Elanthoor house, Bhagval Singh and his wife Laila -- were present throughout.


It is understood that while the couple showed remorse for their alleged crimes during the forensic examination, prime accused Shafi was unperturbed.


They had been arrested on Tuesday after the bodies of two missing women, Padmam and Rosly, were found on the premises of the couple's house.


According to reports, the accused have confessed to cooking human meat and consuming it. Laila, however, claimed that she did not eat it.


The accused reportedly told the investigators that 10kg of human meat was stored in the freezer. Shafi's fingerprint was found on the fridge. They cooked the meat in a pressure cooker and burnt the remains behind a massage centre that Bhagval Singh operated on the premises.


The forensic team collected samples from charred remains. Kochi DCP S Sasidharan said only further examination will prove if the remains were human. A bone was also found on the property.



Besides, billhooks used to chop the victims were also recovered from the property. It is understood that blood stains were visible on the walls. The forensic examination also revealed signs of a body dragged on the floor.


The investigators also placed a dummy on a bed and asked the accused to reenact the crime. It is understood that the accused, who were taken in for evidence collection separately, cooperated.

The DCP in-charge of the investigation said that forensic examination of the crime scene will continue in the coming days.

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