Thiruvananthapuram: The Kerala Infrastructure and Technology for Education (KITE) is among the elite list of best models in Human Resources Development category published by NITI Aayog.

The report, released on Nov 17, highlights the interventions made by KITE in infrastructure upgrade in schools, use of ICT in education, training, content development, internet connectivity and e-learning among others as the model to be followed not only by other states, but also by other nations, a KITE press release said.

On October 9, US based Colombia university had conducted an international webinar on the unique interventions by Kerala in the education section during COVID-19.

In August this year, UNICEF had published a special report titled, "The Peel of First Bell at School".

As part of the Hi-Tech school projects, KITE has completed the deployment of 3.74 lakh ICT equipment in 16,027 government and aided schools in the state along with Broadband internet in 12,678 schools.

Besides the southern states, there have been enquiries from different states including Gujarat, Punjab, New Delhi and Odisha on how to replicate the KITE model in education.

NITI Aayog has documented 23 best practices covering areas like innovation, technology, gender, mainstreaming convergence, involvement of civil society organisations.

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