Can a mother harm her child? Know these symptoms of OCD

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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or OCD is a mental health disorder characterised by unwanted thoughts, fears and repetitive behaviour. This condition is often associated with over cleanliness or repeatedly doing an act. However, these are not the only symptoms of OCD. Intrusive thoughts like fear of hurting another person, blasphemy and doubts whether one is a homosexual too could be observed in those with OCD.
Let’s take the example of a young mother who fears that she would hurt her baby. She is scared to be alone with her child as she is bothered by intrusive thoughts of dropping the baby or suffocating the child. The mother gets severely scared and feels guilty at such thoughts. She begins to insist that objects like knives, pillows and rope that could be used for hurting child should be discarded. She starts to feel scared whenever she sees a knife in the kitchen. The mother suffers severe mental stress to the extent that she is unable to spend time with her child or take care of him/her. She loses her sleep and begins to curse herself for nurturing thoughts about harming her child.
In reality, mothers who suffer from such intrusive thoughts due to OCD may not harm her child. However, she is bothered by these thoughts as she doesn’t value herself or falsely considers herself a cruel person. Even though she loathes herself for being a bad mother, she might, in fact, be a great mother who adores her child. Mothers who wish to be perfect by providing everything for the child are likely to have OCD. Trying to be perfect could be extremely stressful for the mother. Besides, lack of support from her family and friends could worsen the situation.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is an effective treatment for OCD which helps the person identify the problematic nature of their thoughts and control them. One should acquire the ability to value oneself and to be kind and empathetic to themselves. This would help you overcome the depression caused by guilt. Leaving OCD untreated may worsen the condition and lead to suicidal thoughts and depression. Those who already taking therapy often say that their family members had failed to understand their condition or let them seek treatment. Like any other mental health condition, OCD too should be treated before it is too late. It would help the person lead a stress free and relaxed life. Along with treatment or therapy, the support of the family is indispensable as it helps them feel safe.
(The writer is a clinical psychologist.)