Hazelnuts: Why should you include them in your diet?

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'The hazelnut tree bears the fruits of patience' is a line often quoted to state that perseverance can bear quality results. True to the line, the tree does take about six years to start producing nuts, but once it begins, they generally bear a substantial amount of quality, tasty nuts. India's beloved writer Ruskin Bond has also often mentioned in his stories how he used to wait patiently to enjoy the fruits of his beloved hazelnut tree, only for them to be stolen by one of his neighbours.
Well, can't fault the 'hazelnut theif,' for the nut's sweet, nutty and creamy taste can tempt anyone. Hazelnuts are also a great source of monosaturated fats. Besides, the fibres in them improve digestion while the vitamins and minerals in them have amazing health benefits. They also contain vitamin E, copper, magnesium and folate. Here are some fabulous health benefits of including hazelnuts in your regular diet.
Reduces cancer risk
The antioxidant properties of vitamin E, manganese and phenolic compounds in hazelnut play pivotal role in preventing the growth of cancer cells. Some studies prove that the antioxidants in hazelnut can fight the free radicals that causes cancer.
Protects the heart
Hazelnut is a storehouse of monounsaturated fat that increases the level of good cholesterol and reduces bad cholesterol. So, consuming hazelnuts would make your heart stronger by reducing the risk of heart related ailments.
Antioxidant rich
Antioxidants like vitamin E in Hazelnut protects the cells from oxidative stress.
Anti-inflammatory properties
The healthy fats, magnesium and bioactive compounds like polyphenols in hazelnut have anti-inflammatory properties. Consuming hazelnuts regularly can reduce the inflammatory indicators in the body and eliminates the risk of arthritis and heart diseases.
The fibres ease digestion and prevents irritable syndrome and constipation.
Blood sugar level
Hazelnut has low glycemic index and contains essential nutrients like magnesium that can lower the blood sugar level. So, hazelnut is excellent for keeping your blood sugar on healthy levels.
Bone health
Hazelnuts are fabulous source of minerals like magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus that are essential for maintaining bone health. Besides, magnesium improves the bone density, making them stronger and reducing the risk of diseases like osteoporosis and fractures.