Most people cut down their sugar intake, especially refined sugar, as the first step in their weight loss journey. It is common knowledge that refined sugar, which is calorie-dense with zero nutritional value, can only make you put on weight. Instead of refined sugar, natural sweeteners like honey and jaggery could be used to satisfy your sugar cravings. Although honey and jaggery are healthier and could aid weight loss, having everything in moderate quantities is key. It is impossible to say whether honey is better than jaggery or vice versa, as both have unique nutritional benefits. Jaggery is loaded with iron, zinc, potassium and magnesium. Honey is known for its amazing anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. 

Jaggery, made from sugarcane, is a natural sweetener with many health benefits. It contains minerals like iron, zinc, magnesium and potassium. Unlike refined sugar, jaggery has a low glycemic index, which doesn’t swiftly shoot the blood sugar level. Besides, jaggery can improve insulin resistance while helping you manage your body weight. Jaggery, which contains minerals and antioxidants, can stimulate digestive enzymes and help quickly assimilate nutrients. A study published in the Applied Food Research journal says jaggery could make bowel movement easier. Meanwhile, its fibres reduce hunger pangs, expel toxins from the body, and improve metabolism. According to a research study published in Dietary Sugar, Salt and Fat in Human Health, consuming jaggery could make your stomach feel full, preventing overeating and helping you lose weight. 

Honey produced by honey bees is also a popular natural sweetener that is often used. It is known for its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. A calorie-dense food item, honey can easily make your stomach feel full. Meanwhile, the antioxidants in honey improve the metabolic rate. The prebiotics in honey can significantly improve your gut health and increase the assimilation of nutrients. The antioxidants in it are great for reducing inflammation, too. Honey could be consumed as a home remedy if you suffer from indigestion. 
Honey can reduce fat deposits in your body as it contains Hydroxymethyl Fusion (HMP). Besides, the tryptophan and other compounds in honey help effectively reduce belly fat. 

Honey or jaggery?
Honey is better than jaggery for weight loss as it has a low glycemic index. Moreover, it has amazing digestive properties and other nutritional benefits. Honey can calm your hunger pangs and give you an instant boost of energy. However, make sure to consume honey in moderate quantities as it has a high calorific value. It must be noted that any sweeteners, be it honey, jaggery, or refined sugar, will cause weight gain if consumed in high quantities. 
Although natural sweeteners are better than refined sugar, switching to them is not the only solution for weight loss. Following a healthy lifestyle, regular workouts, and eating a balanced and healthy diet is the safest and easiest method. 


Jaggery is loaded with iron, zinc, potassium and magnesium.

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