'We put flaxseed in everything - cereals, smoothies, hopes and even dreams, say the health-conscious generation dreaming of building an athletic physique. Flaxseed or linseed, produced from the flax plant, is produced across the Americas, Europe and Asia, and it's rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, fibre, protein, lignans, vitamins and minerals. It's a popular addition to many meal plans like plant-based diets, Mediterranean diets, low-carb and keto diets, heart-healthy diets and even gluten-free diets. Therefore, many store multiple packets of it at home.
However, they can expire fast if not stored well, especially those purchased commercially. Whole flaxseeds - unprocessed seeds with a hard outer shell - can be stored for more months than processed ones, especially in the fridge. If they start giving out a rancid smell, as the Omega 3 acid in them releases off-putting scents. If they don't smell fresh upon sniffing, taste 1 or 2 of them to see whether they taste bitter. These checks can help you identify fresh flaxseeds. 

How to store flaxseeds
1) Store them in washed and dried airtight containers
2) Keep the container in a cool, dark pantry
3) You can also keep them in their original packing in your refrigerator
4) Ground flaxseed can be kept in airtight containers at room temperature for four days. If kept in the fridge, it can stay fresh for two months.
5) If you keep pre-portioned seeds in a plastic zipper bag, they can stay fresh for up to 2 weeks. Just make sure the zip is closed tight
6) If you prefer keeping them in containers, opt for dark ones with less light. 

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