Looking for quality caregivers for elderly at home? Kudumbashree can help

elderly health
K 4 Care project aims to provide assistance and care to old people, bedridden patients, differently-abled people, newborn babies, as well as women who need postpartum care. Representative image/Shutterstock

Kudumbasree has launched the K 4 Care project, which supplies caregivers to provide home assistance to old people. Besides, the Kudumbasree executives can accompany and assist elderly people to the hospital or bank as well. All you need to do is dial the number 9188925597 and give the particulars of the service that you need. Specially trained women will be assigned to give home assistance and care to old people and patients. This service is available in all the districts in the state.

24 hours service
K 4 Care project aims to provide assistance and care to old people, bedridden patients, differently-abled people, newborn babies, as well as women who need postpartum care. A state-wide call centre has been functioning to assist the callers. You could avail of this service for up to an hour or on a daily or monthly basis. The remuneration will be calculated based on the duration of the service and the condition of the person who requires care. If enough care executives aren’t available in a district to meet the demand, then executives from neighbouring districts would be assigned.

Training for 500 women
More than five hundred women have been trained as part of the project launched in January this year. Kudubasree executive director A Geetha said that around 300 women have been employed. These executives have been given specific uniforms, too. Meanwhile, details of the houses where they are assigned would be collected via the local Kudumbasree CDS to ensure the safety of the executives. Kudumbasree stated that one thousand executives would be trained and employed in this field within six months. 

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