Seed cycling: Does it really improve health?

Seed cycling is a natural approach that helps women balance hormones during their menstrual cycle. Photo: iStock/ajaykampani

Every other social media health influencer has been speaking about seed cycling lately, and one can't help but wonder what the hoopla is all about. For the uninitiated, seed cycling is a natural approach that helps women balance hormones during their menstrual cycle. According to those who follow the practice, flaxseeds and pumpkin seeds should be eaten during the first half, aka the follicular phase of the cycle. In the second half, sesame seeds and sunflower seeds should be consumed. How will these seeds help us at these stages?

Nutrients for hormonal health
In the first stage of the menstrual cycle, flaxseeds, which are high in the compounds called lignans, can help balance estrogen levels. Meanwhile, pumpkin seeds, rich in zinc can support hormone regulation and can help with overall reproductive health. To reduce inflammation and manage mood swings, chia seeds can be helpful in both stages, as they have omega-3 fatty acids. In the second, aka luteal phase, sunflower seeds, which are high in vitamin E, are used for progesterone production and to reduce premenstrual syndrome (PMS) issues. Sesame seeds can also help do the same. 

How to do seed cycling to handle PMS
The best way to consume flaxseeds is to grind them and sprinkle them on smoothies, yoghurt, or oatmeal. Pumpkin seeds can be eaten after toasting them lightly for an extra flavour. You can also add them to soups, salads, or cereal. Sunflower seeds can be eaten raw or as part of other foods, but pick the unsalted version for best results. Chia seeds are best as part of other foods like almond milk, smoothies, and yoghurt. 

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