Do you drink water from plastic bottle? Here's how it's hampering your health

Ways to reduce plastic use as a family.(photo:IANSLIFE)
Microplastics that are extremely dangerous to human health may cause heart diseases, hormonal imbalance and cancer. Photo: IANS

Most people carry drinking water in plastic bottles when they travel while some others are reluctant to throw away the bottles, planning to reuse them, even when it's mentioned to discard them after use. A recent study conducted by the Danube Private University in Austria notes that drinking water or any other liquid in plastic bottles may lead to high blood pressure as microplastics enter the bloodstream. The researchers observed that the blood pressure of the participants who drank from non-plastic bottles was significantly low. The study that was published in the Microplastics Journal suggests avoiding drinks that are packed in plastic bottles.

Microplastics that are extremely dangerous to human health may cause heart diseases, hormonal imbalance and cancer. It is estimated that human beings consume up to five grams of microplastics every week just by drinking from plastic bottles. The researchers also found out that boiling or filtering tap water could help reduce the presence of microplastics in it by at least 90 per cent.     

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