Not all cinnamon is real: Know the difference between cinnamon and cassia

Cinnamon sticks are light brown. Meanwhile, cassia has reddish brown or dark brown colour. Photo: Shutterstock/Yulia Furman

Cinnamon is an aromatic and extremely flavourful spice that is used in both sweet and savoury dishes. Moreover, cinnamon is also known for its incredible health benefits.
1) Cinnamon which has been used as a spice and a medicinal plant for ages is loaded with antioxidants.
2) It helps in lowering LDL cholesterol and triglycerides in type 2 diabetic patients and can regulate HDL levels.
3) Cinnamon acts as an effective barrier against diabetes by reducing blood sugar levels.
4) Diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson's' that affect the cells in the nervous system could be controlled by consuming cinnamon.
5) The cinnamaldehyde in cinnamon could efficiently fight infections in humans.
6) Cinnamon prevents tooth decay and bad breath.

Even though cinnamon is touted as one of the best spices, it is often mistaken for its ‘doppelganger’. If Cinnamomum Zeylanicum is the scientific name of real cinnamon, the other variety which is popularly known as Chinese cinnamon is scientifically called Cinnamomum Cassia. Cassia has also been used in various spice blends, baked goods, savoury dishes, pickles, beverages and preserves, but its flavour and taste are different from cinnamon. Here are some ways to easily distinguish between cinnamon and cassia:

Real cinnamon is sweet with a hint of spiciness while cassia is too spicy.
Cinnamon sticks are light brown. Meanwhile, cassia has reddish brown or dark brown colour.
Real cinnamon looks like a cigar when dried. Moreover, it will be soft and aromatic too. However, Chinese cinnamon looks cylindrical with a hard shell with a rough texture.

Where are they seen?
Cinnamon is mostly seen in India and Sri Lanka while cassia is grown in China, Vietnam and Indonesia.
Cinnamon can effectively fight diabetes, cholesterol, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. However, regular use of cassia may lead to liver and kidney diseases.

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