Yes, November has just begun but isn't it better to prepare enough yummy dishes and drinks in advance so that you can have a stress-free Christmas meal prep? If you have nutmegs collected and stored carefully in its season (June-August), you can start with making a wine out of the sweet, yet nutty and woody fruit. Nutmeg is found to have lots of health benefits, including its ability to relieve pain, soothe indigestion, strengthen cognitive function, detoxify the body, boost skin health, increase immune system function, and improve blood circulation. Here's how you can prepare the wine. 

1 kg 'jaathikka thodu' / Yellow fruity cover of nutmeg
1 ¼ - 1 ½ kg (based on your taste) sugar
3l water
1 cinnamon stick
3 cloves
50g wheat
1/4 tsp yeast

Chop jaathikka aka nutmeg into small piece
Take a stainless steel vessel
Add water, the chopped jaathikka and sugar
Place it on flame and wait till it reaches the boiling point
Let it cool down for some time
Add cinnamon stick, cloves and wheat to the glass vessel
And finally, add the yeast and mix well with a clean wooden stick
After adding all the ingredients, tie it with a clean cloth or close it with lid little loose
Stir this mixture every alternative day for 5 minutes
After 20 days, strain the mixture through a cheese/ muslin cloth into a clean dry bottle
Keep this again for 20 days untouched
After 20 days, strain the wine again, pour it into clean dry bottles and use

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