Ila ada or the sweet and fragrant rice patties that are steamed in plantain leaf is a traditional snack that is enjoyed with the evening tea. In case you are bored of the same old ada, give it a modern makeover using some interesting ingredients. Check out the pretty simple recipe of biscuit ila ada.

2 cups rice flour
3 carrots (cut into small pieces)
½ coconut (grated)
Condensed milk as required
2 cups hot water
10 - 15 arrow root biscuits
Salt as required


Grind the carrot along with grated coconut and some salt
Add this paste into dry roasted rice flour
Mix well
Pour hot water and mix into soft dough
Crumble the biscuits
Mix the biscuit crumble with condensed milk
Spread the dough on the plantain leaf
Place the biscuit filling in the centre
Fold the leaf
Cook the biscuit ada in an idli steamer.

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