Grilled fish with a squeeze of lemon is a match made in heaven. The great flavours could be taken up a notch by soaking the fish in some bubbling beer. Check out this unique recipe for grilled fish.

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4 kg whole fish
1 bottle beer
12 shallots
1 tsp chilli powder
1 tsp coriander powder
½ tsp turmeric powder
1 tsp pepper powder
10 green chillies
15 garlic cloves
10 cashews
10 sprigs coriander leaves
10 sprigs curry leaves
2 pieces ginger
Bay leaves as required
Salt as required
2 star anise
2 cinnamon sticks
2 cloves

Clean the fish and score it
Pour the beer over the fish and rub it well into the flesh
Pour some inside the stomach as well
Keep the beer soaked fish aside for at least an hour
Grind the ginger, garlic, chilli powder, turmeric powder, coriander powder, green chillies, cashews, cinnamon, cloves, star anise and salt into smooth paste
After an hour, marinate the fish with this fragrant marinade
Stuff shallots, coriander leaves, bay leaves and curry leaves inside the stomach
Keep the marinated fish aside for an hour more
Wrap the fish in plantain leaf
Bake over hot grill by flipping the plantain packet
If the plantain leaf tears off over the grill, replace it with a fresh one
After grilling for at least an hour, check whether the flesh is cooked through
Serve with fresh salad (cucumber, tomato and onions) and lemon dressing,

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