No celebrations or festivities in India are complete without enjoying some delicious payasam or dessert. Ney payasam or ghee payasam is a special delicacy that is prepared during the Navaratri festivities. Check out the easy recipe of ghee payasam.

½ cup unakkalari or rice with bran
300 gms jaggery
5 tbsp ghee
¾ cup grated coconut
5 crushed cardamom pods


Wash the rice well and soak for at least 3 hours
Prepare jaggery syrup by melting jaggery in 1 cup water
Heat 3 tbsp ghee in a thick bottomed vessel
Roast the soaked rice on low flame
Pour 3 cups boiled water and crushed cardamom pods into it
Mix well and cook on low flame with the lid on
Cook until the rice gets slightly over cooked and broken
Add more water if required
Now add the melted jaggery syrup and 1 tbsp ghee
Mix and stir until the water evaporates and the payasam begins to turn thick
Add the grated coconut when cooked rice and jaggery gets mixed well and turns mushy
Add 1 more tbsp ghee when the payasam thickens up nicely
Give everything a good mix and turn off the flame
Add a few ixora (chethi) flowers and tulsi leaves into the hot payasam and cover using plantain leaf
This would make the ghee payasam fragrant and herbal as well.  

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