Subbaraju, the actor known for his role in 'Baahubali', has recently entered a new chapter of his life by getting married at the age of 47. The actor shared the exciting news on Instagram, posting a beautiful picture from his wedding. In the photo, Subbaraju and his wife can be seen dressed in traditional Indian attire, standing by the beach. The bride looked graceful in a red silk saree with golden zari embroidery, while Subbaraju sported an elegant ivory dhoti and kurta. The couple also twinned in stylish black sunglasses, adding a modern touch to their traditional look. Subbaraju captioned the image with a simple, yet joyful, 'Hitched finally!!!'

Subbaraju, originally from Bhimavaram in Andhra Pradesh, has made a significant mark in the Indian film industry. His acting journey began with a role in director Krishna Vamsi's 'Khadgam'. However, it was his role in the 2003 film 'Amma Nanna O Tamila Ammayi', directed by Puri Jagannadh, that truly cemented his position in the industry
Subbaraju went on to build a successful career with key roles in blockbuster films like 'Arya', 'Pokiri', 'Billa', 'Khaleja', and 'Baahubali: The Conclusion', where he portrayed the character of Kumar Verma.

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