Mohanlal inquired whether the alleged incident happened on his film set: Radhika Sarathkumar

Radhika Sarathkumar. Photo: Facebook

Actress Radhika Sarathkumar has recently spoken out about allegations involving a hidden camera on a film set. She revealed that an investigative team from Kerala contacted her for clarification regarding the incident. Radhika talked about the need for a dedicated committee to address and investigate complaints of exploitation within the Tamil film industry.

Radhika also mentioned that Mohanlal had reached out to ask if such an incident had occurred on the set of her film. She clarified that no major actors were present at the location during the incident and that it was only after the hidden camera recordings were discovered by those on set that she became aware of the situation. Radhika took immediate action by raising the issue and requesting that the production company officials address it.

Radhika also responded to criticisms regarding her decision to bring up past incidents, saying, “Some have questioned why I am discussing events from years ago and causing controversy. I have already responded to the harassment I faced at that time and am not trying to create unnecessary disputes. I am not pursuing legal action.”

In response to the ongoing issues, Vishal, the General Secretary of the Tamil film industry’s ‘Nadigar Sangam,’ announced plans to form a special committee to combat exploitation. Actor Arjun echoed this sentiment, stating that only through collective efforts, regardless of the number of commissions, can the issue of exploitation be effectively addressed.

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