Kalidas Jayaram recently shared on Instagram, the second look poster for his highly anticipated bilingual film 'Rajni', also known as 'Avar Payer Rajni' in Tamil.

Produced by Navarasa Films and directed by Vinil Scariah Varghese, the poster features Kalidas in a serious look, leaving audiences curious about what the talented actor has in store for them in the film.


With 'Rajni' being one of Kalidas's most ambitious projects yet, the excitement for the release of this fan-favourite's upcoming movie is palpable. Namitha Pramod, Reba Monica, Shaun Romy, Lakshmi Gopalaswamy, Ashwin Kkumar, and several other actors will be seen in significant roles in the movie. The editing of this film is done by Deepu Joseph and the cinematography is done by Jebin Jacob.