Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan paid his tribute to actor Innocent at the Irinjalakuda Municipal Town Hall on Monday evening. The mortal remains of the actor-politician who passed away in Kochi on Sunday was brought to the Irinjalakuda Town Hall in the afternoon after being kept at Rajiv Gandhi Indoor Stadium in Kochi for public to pay homage in the morning. Association of the Malayalam Movie Artists (AMMA) general secretary Edavela Babu and other members, including Dileep, Siddique and Babu Raj accompanied the actor's mortal remains in the cortege on the way to Irinjalakuda.

Ouseppachan Valakuzhy who produced films like 'Ramji Rao Speaking' featuring actor Innocent also paid his last tributes to the actor.

The actor's body was initially kept at the Rajiv Gandhi Indoor Stadium at 8am on Monday morning and kept there till 11 am.

People from different walks of life arrived at the stadium to pay last respects to the veteran actor, who passed away on Sunday night. Actors Lal, Jayasurya, Harishree Ashokan, Sai Kumar and Bindu Panicker were among the celebrities from Mollywood who arrived at the stadium to pay their tribute to the actor. Singer M G Sreekumar, film directors Kamal, Madhupal and B Unnikrishnan along with screenwriter S N Swamy also arrived at the stadium.

Actors Mammootty and his son Dulquer Salmaan also reached the stadium to pay their last respects to the actor. Apart from them, Mukesh, Renji Panicker, Manoj K Jayan were also present. Actor Mukesh, who shared screenspace with the 'Ramji Rao Speaking' actor several times, remembered his 'elder brother' Innocent through a social media post. "A man who was known for his humour, both off and onscreen. Our bond remained strong over several decades. Rest in peace, my dear elder brother," he added. Ministers K Rajan, P Prasad and R Bindhu also arrived at the stadium.

Actor Innocent was admitted at the Lakeshore Hospital in Kochi last week, after he developed uneasiness and breathing difficulty. He had battled cancer for sometime and had made an incredible comeback to films and politics, after successfully fighting the disease. However, he had started showing signs of weakness for some weeks nows.

Actor Mohanlal who is currently at a shoot in Rajasthan, will pay his last respects to actor Innocent, when his mortal remains are brought to his Irinjalakuda home on Monday evening. Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan will also pay his last respects there.

Actors Mammootty, Babu Antony and Dileep had arrived at the hospital to pay their tribute on hearing about the actor's death. Jayaram, who also shared a close rapport with Innocent, was present at the hospital since Sunday morning.

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