Netflix shared the promo video of the Nayanthara-Vignesh Sivan wedding documentary titled, Nayanthara: Beyond the fairytale. You can see Nayanthara getting candid about love and marriage.

In the 1-minute teaser, there are snapshots of the pre-wedding preparations. You can see Nayanthara talking about being called lady superstar—"I don’t understand the tags. I don’t understand the titles.” While Vignesh Sivan still seems to be in awe of his bride and says, “more than Nayanthara the star, she is a wonderful human being.”


Nayanthara also seems to be sharing her journey in cinema—"When it started off I had no idea how it will be. I was not a filmy kid. I was just a normal girl who wants to give her 100% to whatever she does.”

The documentary is directed by Gautham Menon. The Nayanthara-Vignesh Sivan wedding was held at Mahabalipuram’s Sheraton Grand Resort. Cleary the promo hints that there is more to it than just a flashy wedding video. Looks like finally, the viewers will get to see the personal side of a superstar who has always guarded her privacy fiercely.

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