Thiruvananthapuram: The plus-one exams, that were postponed due to the raging COVID-19 pandemic, will now be conducted from September 6 to 16. There would be no improvement exam.

The VHSE first-year exam will be held from September 7 to 16. The fees for both the exams can be remitted before June 15. However, the plus-two classes will begin this month itself.

The application forms for the plus-one exam will be available on the website or from the schools. SCOLE Kerala (State Council for Open and Lifelong Education – Kerala) students should apply from the schools allotted for them.

The plus-two grade will be determined by adding the plus-one score as well. Only those who have undergone Continuous Evaluation can appear for the exam. Also, only if application is submitted for the first-year examination will the students be eligible for further studies. If only the students appear for all the exams, will they be allowed to register for the plus-two exams next year.

Important dates:

• Applications to be submitted without fine - June 15

• Applications with super fine of Rs 600 - June 26


• Hall tickets to be distributed - August 27


Exam will be held from 9.40am to 12.30pm

September 6 - Sociology, anthropology, electronic service technology (old)

September 7 - Chemistry, history, Islamic history, business studies, communicative English

September 8 - Part II languages, computer science and information technology

September 9 - Biology, electronics, political science, Sanskrit sahitya, computer application, English literature


September 10 - Maths, part III languages, Sanskrit Sastra, Psychology

September 13 - Physics, economics

September 14 - Part I English

September 15 - Geography, music, social work, geology, accountancy

September 16 - Home science, Gandhian studies, philosophy, journalism, computer science and statistics

Teachers concerned

Teachers are apprehensive about the safety aspects as over 4.5 lakh students will be arriving at the schools to apply for the exam before June 15. Students have been directed to affix their photos on the application form and get it attested from the principal. The teachers also said that the Continuous Evaluation being made mandatory would also lead to practical difficulties.

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