How to score good marks for current affairs in any entrance exam

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Though the basic format for preparation for competitive examinations never changes, the same is not the case with the part on current affairs. The relevant issues that are to be covered in the current affairs portion change daily. Earlier, the questions that were asked from this section were relatively easy.
However, with the competition getting more rigorous, questions from vast areas and which needed deeper analysis also began to become part of the current affairs paper or section of competitive examinations. The only way you can remain prepared for answering questions in this section is to read newspapers daily and taking notes as this will help to keep you updated on all developments. This is the only way you can get good marks for the current affairs in public examinations.
How much is the marks for current affairs? In recruitment test for posts with qualifications higher than tenth standard, at least 10 marks will be from current affairs. In case of posts with qualifications of tenth standard or lesser, at least six marks will be from it. The number of questions from current affairs for the LDC examinations is also somewhat in this region.
What has to be learnt
As new developments take place across the world daily it is not easy to learn everything byheart. Hence you should update yourselves on all important news that happened at least from January 1, 2019 to June 2020. These include knowledge about the important points of all major events taking place in the world, your country and your state.
You should know the details of the countries visited by both the prime minister and president and also the major agreements they sign. The visit of foreign leaders to India should also be noted during your preparation for the examinations. Details of agreements entered for joint ventures and initiatives during their visit should also be noted.
You should be update about the latest sports events. The events should include the latest Olympic, Commonwealth and Asian games. The details you should know include the champions of the event, venue, medals that India got and who carried the flag for the event.
Candidates should study in details various projects undertaken by the central and state government. You should also have knowledge on the projects under taken for women, children, physically handicapped and transgender persons and the programmes for employment generation and poverty eradication.
You should have a sound knowledge of the winners of Nobel Prize and Oscars. The details of their achievements should also be studied.
Topics on India's achievements in the field of science, technology and economics should also form part of your studies. Questions can also come from areas related to new research institutions, projects of the ISRO and military exercises undertaken by the country.