Kannur: For the commuters and residents, it's not just the name of the bus ' Vande Bharat', that piques their interest, but the driver and conductor of the bus, Jomon and Jijina who are a couple. Though not exactly a love story on wheels, Jomon and Jijina, the couple from Cherupuzha in Kannur district operate their bus ' Vande Bharat' on the picturesque Cherupuzha-Panathur route. "I have always wished to work with him as I can spend more time with him. I have been passionate about driving since childhood and have taken a heavy licence and conductor licence after marriage to join my husband on the bus. Our parents take care of children at home when we leave for work,'' said Jijina.

The couple had to face intrusive glances and comments earlier as most of the commuters were unaware that they were a married couple. Their curiosity turned into appreciation when they came to know about the relationship. "When the children started to go to school, she felt bored with spending time alone at home. So we decided to work together on the bus. It is fun to spend time in professional life along with the person you love the most. She will also take charge of the wheels sometimes,'' Jomon said. Jijina took the role of the conductor of the Vande Bharat bus, which they operate together, two months ago, thirteen years after marriage.    

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