Malayalam film actor Kunchacko Boban released the lucky mascot of this year's Nehru Trophy Boat Race in Alappuzha on Tuesday. A kingfisher rowing boat, designed by Pathanamthitta native K V Bijimol, is the mascot of this year's boat race. It's the first time that the event uses a design by a woman as its mascot, according to organisers. Last year, the mascot was an elephant calf named Keshu, picturised as rowing through the waters on a boat. The event, to be held on August 10, is expected to have Indian President Droupadi Murmu as its chief guest. For the first time, it will also have a high-priced 'luxury box' to view the race.

While the snake boat race has been a regular affair in Kerala for centuries, the event in 1952 was inaugurated by then prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru. The PM was quite enchanted by the majestic event and even jumped into one of the boats. In memory of his experience in Alappuzha, he donated a silver snake boat trophy to the event, later. From there on, the event was rechristened the 'Nehru Trophy Boat Race.' The Champion's Boat League, meanwhile, was kicked off in 2019 to woo tourists and promote Kerala's destinations globally. Its participants are the top nine teams of the previous year's NTBR. The event is usually held across 12 venues, including those in Alappuzha, Ernakulam, Thrissur, Kottayam and Kollam.

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