Wish to go on mango orchard tours? Best Indian spots to check out

India has over 1,000 varieties of mangoes cultivated across the country. Photo: Shutterstock/rujithai

Not everyone is lucky enough to have aromatic childhood memories of picking mangoes from their backyard trees and relishing them straightaway. Regardless, Indian summers are incomplete without relishing the delicious fruit, whether sourced from your locality or store-bought. If you want to have an all-round mango relishing experience – which includes taking leisurely walks under the trees checking out potential fruits ready to fall, enjoying the juicy breeze under them, plucking fruits and enjoying their aroma and even learning what's special about different varieties - you can go on mango orchard tours to various mango hotspots in India. Just make sure you plan by checking out farms to get the best harvesting experience.

Mavoor, Kunjimangalam regions of Kerala
In Kozhikode district, there is a 3-acre mango orchard in Mavoor and it is home to more than 55 varieties of mangoes, including local Kerala and foreign varieties. The farm also has many other fruit varieties grown using only organic manure. Interestingly, there is nothing here to ward off birds as a share of the produce is assigned to them as well. The farm also does not charge anyone to visit the place or try out the fruits here. The Kunjimangalam region of Kannur also has mango plantations that offer some of the best varieties in the state.

Ratnagiri, Maharashtra
If mango is the king of fruits, then the sweet Alphonso is considered by many as the best among them. Ratnagiri in Maharashtra is famous for its plump Alphonso mangoes. The soil and the unique weather conditions here are perfect for growing this variety. The Ratnagiri mangoes lure you with their bright yellow colour and sweet, juicy flavour. Moreover, Ratnagiri enchants you with its scintillating mango orchards, beautiful beaches, verdant forests and misty mountains.
Junagarh, Gujarat
The city of Junagarh in Gujarat is famous for the kesar mangoes. The rich orange colour pulp and the sweet taste of kesar mangoes could woo any mango lover. You could buy freshly plucked mangoes from the Kesar farms here. Moreover, this region is close to the Gir National Park where you could see lions in their natural habitat. The Uparkot fort too is near Junagarh.

Malda, West Bengal
Malda is often touted as the mango city of India. Even though many varieties of mangoes are grown here, langra and fasli are the famous ones. Ripe langra mangoes have greenish–yellow skin. Meanwhile, fasli impresses us with its size and unique taste. Every year, the West Bengal government organises mango fests in New Delhi to exhibit the rich varieties of mangoes that are grown in the state. Adina mosque and the citadel of Gour are the important tourist attractions in Malda.
Malihabad, Uttar Pradesh
The land of spirituality is also the place where you can enjoy delicious mangoes. The famous dasheri mango is indigenous to the Dasheri village near Lucknow. Even though they are small in size, these mangoes are truly a tropical delight with their incredibly sweet taste and rich fruity smell. The farmers use traditional methods to grow dasheri mangoes.

Srinivaspur, Karnataka
Banganapalle and totapuri mangoes are mostly cultivated in Srinivaspur in the Kolar district. Banganapalle mangoes stand out for their visually appealing golden yellow colour and delicious taste. Meanwhile, totapuri mangoes have a noticeable oblong shape and plump and juicy flesh. You could enjoy lots of delicious mango delicacies at Srinivaspur. The Kotti Lingeshwara temple and the Kolarmatha temple are close to the village.

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