Neeraj Chopra posts pictures from beautiful Lake Brienz in Switzerland

Neeraj Chopra is near Lake Brienz in Switzerland. Photo: Instagram/neeraj_chopra

After winning a silver medal at the Paris Olympics, javelin thrower Neeraj Chopra is enjoying a relaxing trip at some of the iconic locales in Switzerland. Recently, he shared a few pictures from Lake Brienz on his social media page. The fluffy clouds that embrace the mountains, the scintillating valley, the classic Swiss countryside and the greenery around Lake Brienz will captivate anyone's imagination. Lake Brienz, which is touted as one of the most beautiful spots in Switzerland, offers spectacular scenery, relaxing boat rides, and a chance to indulge in activities like hiking and swimming in the refreshing waters of the lake. This beautiful lake is situated in the Bernese Oberland region, 120 kilometres away from Geneva and 70 kilometres from Bern.

Best time to visit
Each season unravels unique sights and mysteries of Lake Brienz. Visitors are sure to enjoy remarkable and breathtaking experiences at various times of the year. However, this region is most beautiful during the spring, when the weather is clear, and the earth is adorned with flowers in myriad hues. Tourists flock to Lake Brienz most from March to May to enjoy its magical nature.

Meanwhile, the summer season from June to August too is pleasant as the water glistens under the golden sun. The clouds that float through the clear blue skies looks like huge balls of soft cotton. You could enjoy boat rides in the lake and even enjoy a dip in the cool waters of the lake. Facilities are also available to enjoy hiking to the nearby mountain. It is during the summer that a famous music festival takes place at the neighbouring city of Interlaken. The festive mood and the vibrant ambience make Lake Brienz a dream destination.

Seasonal shades of the lake
If you desire to enjoy the lake and the surrounding area in a serene atmosphere, fall is the right time to visit. The months from September to November is cold and the nature begins to change its colours. Lake Brienz welcomes the guests by gifting them some of the most unforgettable scenery. Not just the lake and the huge mountains, even the trees here don a unique charm during winter. The leaves would turn yellow, red and orange, getting ready to fall. At times, the lake is covered in mist adding a heavenly charm to the area. Meanwhile, the mountain and the valley look incredibly breathtaking, ready to enchant the visitors.

The winter casts a magical spell on Lake Brienz as the entire region gets covered in a white blanket of snow. This is also the best time to try your hands in adventure activities like skiing, snow shoeing and sleighing. Besides the festive vibe ringing in the Christmas and New Year season, Lake Brienz hosts an annual ice magic festival too. The months between December and February surely turn this area into a magical land of ice and snow.

Lots of entertainment and adventure activities await the tourists who visit Lake Brienz during various seasons. The boat ride through the lake is the most popular attraction here. Countless steam boats run services allowing the visitors to enjoy the mesmerizing sights on the banks of the lake. You could even swim in the clean blue waters of the lake if you are in the mood for some adventure. During summer, the maximum temperature here would be between 18 and 20 degree Celsius. So, swimming would be the best option if you wish to cool down your body. Besides, hiking trips too are arranged to the nearby mountain summit. The visitors could also hop on the train if you wish to experience Lake Brienz and the surrounding area in a different view point.

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